Sunday 25 October 2009

Kadazans and Dayaks plans new political party - Parti Rakyat Borneo

My friend, Joseph Tawie in Kuching posted this HERE.

Someone from Sabah inquired from me today whether it is possible for Kadazans and Dayaks to form a regional party, say Parti Rakyat Borneo. Or is there any other suitable name?

“The party will be based in Sarawak and to be headed by a Dayak Christian with a fair representation from both sides,” he said, and added that it should preferably be a multi-racial party.

He said: “We must try the never tried before one party and I want to shatter all mentality blocks among us in East Malaysia.

“I admit it is not easy to accomplish it, but let us give ourselves a chance to ponder on our broken brotherhood,”
he said.

The idea was not the first. Daniel Tajem made a suggestion in 2000 soon after he returned from New Zealand where he spent five years as Malaysian High Commissioner. But his suggestion was shot down by Leo Moggie, then the president of Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak (PBDS) and James Masing. At the time, Moggie and Masing were like inseparable twins.

Tajem also made a suggestion that if a regional party between Sabah and Sarawak could not be formed, then they should seriously consider merging PBDS with SNAP in order to strengthen Dayak unity.

That idea was also shot down by the two men, claimed Tajem and pointed out that they disliked the idea as they were living in “comfortable zones” at the time, (and still are today).

In view of the recent calls for justice and equality for the people of Sabah and Sarawak as promised in the 20/18 points in the Malaysian Agreement it is good that we explore this suggestion further. Without Sabah, Sarawak cannot fight for justice and equal partnership alone. Likewise, without Sarawak, Sabah cannot do it alone.

Now, what is our response to the Sabahan's suggestion?

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