Posting and commenting, without fear or favour, latest issues of interest and affecting the people of The Land Below The Wind - Sabah, East Malaysia. e-mail:,
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Historical Speeches by World's Great Leaders
April 25th, 2010
You hope that your professors will be good speakers who can keep your interest for at least the length of a class period, but more often than not, you'll have a teacher or two each semester who drones on and on and doesn't make you feel passionate about the subject. They could take tips from these speakers who have inspired thousands or even millions of people around the world, some even long after they've died. Here are 50 incredible, historical speeches you should watch online.
Commencement Addresses
These commencement speakers include presidents, a professor, political strategist and industry leader.
1. John F. Kennedy at American University: On June 10, 1963, President JFK gave the commencement address at American University, first celebrating the institution of American universities, and then discussing the "new face of war" and its great cost. Kennedy implores the graduates to pursue peace, even though it is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war, and references the end to the Cold War.
2. Randy Pausch at Carnegie Mellon: Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture" became an Internet sensation and inspiration for people around the world who felt moved by the professor's battle with cancer and his insistence on the power and significance of achieving your childhood dreams. Here, a visibly ill Pausch, delivers the commencement address at Carnegie Mellon.
3. James Carville at Tulane University: Louisiana native and colorful political strategist James Carville gave a rousing, sincere speech to the graduates of Tulane University of 2008, the first class to graduate since Hurricane Katrina interrupted their studies and nearly destroyed the city of New Orleans.
4. Barack Obama at Notre Dame: When students and faculty at Notre Dame expressed disappointment and even outrage that President Barack Obama would speak at the school's 2009 graduation ceremony, the national media covered the debate from start to finish. In the end, Obama did give the speech despite the controversy over his support of abortion, which the Catholic university disapproved of.
5. Steve Jobs at Stanford: Computer science pioneer Steve Jobs gave an emotional but inspirational speech to the 2005 graduates of Stanford University, ending with the line "Stay hungry, stay foolish," a message that Jobs has always wished for himself and which he wished for the graduates.
Presidential Speeches
Presidents are natural and practiced leaders and give some of the most impressive speeches. Here is a selection of some of the most important speeches of the 20th century.
1. Barack Obama Election Night Speech: Moments after being elected the first ever African American President of the United States, Obama addresses the nation live from Chicago.
2. Ronald Reagan's 40th Anniversary of D-Day Speech: Watch President Ronald Reagan give an illustrative 40th anniversary of D-Day speech on "a lonely, windswept point" on the beach at Normandy.
3. Lyndon Johnson Remarks on Signing the Civil Rights Bill: President LBJ explains to the American public the significance of his signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
4. George W. Bush Post 9/11 Speech: After terrorists hijacked airplanes and flew them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, shocked and grief-stricken Americans turned to their TV sets that evening to listen to President George W. Bush tell them what to do next.
5. Ich Bin Ein Berliner: President John F. Kennedy visited the Berlin Wall to give this encouraging speech to the everyday citizens who suffered under Communism and cheered when Kennedy repeated "Let them come to Berlin."
6. President Nixon Announcing Resignation: Scandalized President Richard Nixon addresses the nation in this speech, announcing his resignation after Watergate.
7. "Tear Down This Wall": Listen to Ronald Reagan's famous "Tear Down This Wall" speech in Berlin in front of the famous Berlin Wall.
8. George W. Bush's Bullhorn Speech: What is now known as Bush's "Bullhorn Speech" started as a casual impromptu rally for the recovery workers at Ground Zero, just after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Bush stood on top of a hill of rubble and yelled to the crowd "I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you!"
9. Jimmy Carter Crisis of Confidence Speech: Carter talks about the "crisis in confidence" that Americans had in government.
10. JFK Inaugural Address: JFK's inaugural address is one of the most famous swearing-in speeches in history.
11. LBJ's First Speech as President: Listen to LBJ's first speech as President, just after JFK was shot.
12. The Challenger Explosion: Reagan shares news of the Challenger Explosion from the Oval Office.
13. John F. Kennedy's Moon Speech: Kennedy addresses Congress and asks them to support the space project.
14. President Bill Clinton Farewell Speech: Clinton recaps his presidency and defends his legacy in this speech.
15. President Harry S Truman First Speech to Congress: This is Truman's first speech to Congress, in which he mourns recently deceased FDR.
16. LBJ Gulf of Tonkin Incident: President LBJ reports on the violent Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
Society and Culture
Here you will find speeches that inspired social change and encouraged audiences to become better citizens of the world.
1. Martin Luther King "I Have a Dream": Watch one of the most iconic American speeches ever made here: Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.
2. William Faulkner Nobel Prize speech: Look at a photograph of author William Faulkner accepting his Nobel Prize as you listen to his speech about the condition of the human spirit and the human heart.
3. LBJ We Shall Overcome: This video uses LBJ's famous We Shall Overcome speech as part of a video montage celebrating the civil rights movement.
4. Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary: Malcolm X addresses friends and enemies and explains how he'll fight for civil rights "by any means necessary."
5. Death of Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy: Robert Kennedy announces the death of MLK and then eulogizes the civil rights leader in this 1968 speech.
6. Lou Gehrig's speech: Lou Gehrig gives his farewell to baseball speech on the 4th of July at Yankee Stadium.
7. The Perils of Indifference: Listen to Elie Wiesel's famous speech about the nature of indifference.
8. Mario Savio: Listen to this exciting, impassioned speech from a very worked up Mario Savio, a member of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement.
9. Give Them Hope Speech: Harvey Milk aims to give gay people around the country a feeling of hope that they belong in society and have rights and deserve respect.
10. Reagan's Evil Empire Speech: Ronald Reagan gives his famous Evil Empire speech to the National Association of Evangelicals.
11. Nelson Mandela Released 1990: When Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990, he gave this speech to supporters.
12. Jimmy Valvano's ESPY Speech: Dying basketball coach Jimmy Valvano delivered this famous, inspiring speech at the first ever ESPYs in 1993. He died of cancer two months later.
13. Bill Cosby Famous Pound Cake Speech: Comedian Bill Cosby gives a touching but humorous speech in honor of the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education.
14. Kofi Annan's Farewell Speech: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan bids farewell in this 2006 speech.
15. Mahatma Gandhi Speech: Gandhi gave this speech at Kingsley Hall in London in 1931. In it, he discusses the nature of rule and religion.
War and Peace
Listen to speeches from Hitler, Churchill, Eisenhower and other military leaders about war and peace.
1. FDR Pearl Harbor Address: Just after the United States is attacked by Japan at Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt addresses the country and Congress in his famous "date which will live in infamy" speech.
2. General Dwight D. Eisenhower's D-Day Speech: Listen to Eisenhower's speech ordering troops to D-Day here.
3. General Douglas MacArthur Farewell Speech to Congress: General MacArthur delivers this speech in 1951 "with deep humility and great pride."
4. Total War Speech: This video has English subtitles so that you can understand Joseph Goebbels' speech calling for total war in 1943.
5. Sir Winston Churchill – Finest Hour: This photo montage accompanies audio of Winston Churchill's "finest hour" speech, which he gave June 18, 1940, and in which he asked the British to help him fight so that they would not enter into "a new dark age."
6. Adolf Hitler, Expand Speech: Watch Hitler's speech about expansion and justification of war.
7. Eisenower's military industrial complex speech: Watch and listen to President Eisenhower warn against te "emergency improvisation of national defense."
8. We Shall Fight on the Beaches, Winston Churchill: Listen to Churchill's signature British mumble as he rallies his country to fight in World War II.
These miscellaneous political speeches are from figures like Jesse Jackson, Margaret Thatcher and Ted Kennedy.
1. The Dream Shall Never Die: Senator Edward Kennedy speaks at the 1980 Democratic National Convention shares one of his favorite Tennyson quotes and tells Americans that "the dream shall never die" even though he will not run for president.
2. Jesse Jackson David and Goliath speech: Then Presidential candidate Jesse Jackson delivers this famous speech at Tendley Baptist Church January 16, 1984.
3. Tony Blair resignation speech: Powerful but ultimately unpopular Primte Minister Tony Blair gives his resignation speech on June 27, 2007, here.
4. Senator Barack Obama's DNC speech: Presidential candidate Barack Obama gives this major speech at the 2008 DNC in Denver, officially accepting the nomination for president.
5. William Jennings Bryan Cross of Gold Speech: Listen to audio of William Jennings Bryan's 1923 speech in which he spoke about the gold standard and silver mining.
6. Margaret Thatcher's first speech as Prime Minister: Watch Thatcher's controversial first speech as British PM in 1979.
7. Mario Cuomo 1984 Convention Speech: This "tale of two cities" from Mario Cuomo at the DNC in 1984 attacks Reagan in a time of staunch conservatism.
Friday, 23 April 2010
Mud coming out from taps

Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Tun Fuad Stephens
"Truth Is The Remedy To All". Fuad Stephens and his Cabinet Members "POLITICALLY ASSASSINATED" ?
By Ronnie Klassen as published HERE
As sure as an orphan would want to know his parents, Sabahans want to and must know the truth as to what really happened on the 6th.June.1976.Was the death of Tun Fuad Stephens and his Cabinet members an accident or 'accident'? Reliable sources claimed that the fatal Nomad Aircraft carrying Tun Fuad exploded in mid-air and dropped to the ground where a second explosion occurred. Why was the aircraft requested to circle and not given the green light to land?
Doesn't the Chief Minister of Sabah take precedence over everyone? Did the control tower inform the pilot to circle because an Air force Hercules C-130 was about to take off? Reliable sources also claim there was no Hercules C-130 on the tarmac that was ready to take off on that day.
In my earlier 2 articles in my blog on the oil royalty issue, we referred to information that was never made known to Sabahans. The revelation by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah that he was already strapped to his seat alongside Datuk Rahman Yaakub(Chief Minister of Sarawak) and a member of the Pahang Royalty and together with Tun Fuad and his Cabinet Ministers and later requested to disembark from the aircraft by Harris Salleh to visit a cattle farm in Kudat/Banggi is not only baffling but against any protocol- hence a huge can of worms has now open.
It is also tantamount to insubordination and an insult to the Chief Minister then, Tun Fuad. Harris Salleh in a recent press statement ( Daily Express dated 7th.April.2010 ) denounced this fact in what he claimed to be" grossly inaccurate and carried away with pleasantries ".
Was the visit to the cattle farm more important than the historical event that was going to take place - which was the signing of the petroleum agreement between the Sabah Government and the Federal Government/Petronas? Was visiting this cattle farm in the agenda of Razaleigh's visit? Who is now LYING ? The people of Sabah now demand to know the truth. Was this a " political assassination "?
Researching this event gave me the opportunity to come into contact with many Sabahans who are still till this very day angered by the events that took place on the 6th.June.1976.Was there a " BOMB " planted in the ill-fated Nomad Aircraft ? If a bomb did exist who planted it and under whose instruction?
And who is Lee Kang Yu ? It was reliably learnt that Lee Kang Yu was a trusted aid and trustee to Harris Salleh, who fled to Hong Kong where he later passed away. His thumb print had to be used for verification for withdrawal of assets before he could be laid to rest.
Did Lee Kang Yu plant a bomb in the Nomad Aircraft, and who gave the instruction? Among the first person to be at the crash site was senior information officer,TK Wong,who lived a few metres from the crash site.Ironically,the police arrived almost immediately and condoned off the entire area.No known report was submitted by the Information Department to the State Security Committee on the ill-fated crash,why?
In the purported conversation between Tengku Razaleigh and Tun Fuad Stephens, pursuant to the oil royalty, Ku Li had claimed that Tun Fuad had agreed to the 5% oil royalty as Sarawak had earlier also agreed to the 5% oil royalty.Sabah and Sarawak have over the years till this day have had a brotherly relationship.
Now Sarawakians should be asking,did Rahman Yaakub agree to the 5% oil royalty? On the morning of the 6th.June.1976,Tun Fuad and his Cabinet Ministers flew to Labuan with an objective to re-negotiate. Tun Fuad was in total disagreement to the 5% oil royalty hence he brought his Cabinet Ministers to say their piece to Tengku Razaleigh. Did Tun Fuad and his Cabinet inform Tengku Razaleigh that if the Federal Government did not agree to his demand for an increased share percentage for Sabah, he would publicly announce that he was going to pull Sabah out of Malaysia?
In the afternoon of Good Friday (2nd.April.2010) at my lunch interview with Tengku Razaleigh, I sensed a man that was just waiting to tell the truth, but decided to provide bits and pieces and allowing others to complete the jig-saw puzzle. On the evening of the same day, Tengku Razaleigh was no longer the same person I met earlier.
Was he threatened by anyone, group or enforcement agency? Tengku Razaleigh was supposed to deliver a talk on the Petroleum Development Act 1974 as well as the problems plaguing the oil producing states in Malaysia.
Why did Tengku Razaleigh bring up the matter of the plane crash on the 6th.June.1976?
Was he deliberately trying to tell the truth but not the whole truth?In the presence of about 1,000 odd people who were in attendance at the dialogue, Tengku Razaleigh clearly stated that he was all strapped up in the ill-fated Nomad Aircraft and ready to fly with Tun Fuad to Kota Kinabalu, until Harris Salleh boarded the aircraft and"invited" him to visit the cattle farm in Kudat/Banggi, which apparently was more important and took precedence over the signing of the oil royalty agreement.
Another interesting episode of the crash, was the inconsistent manner in which the Inquiry was conducted. The Magistrate concerned requested for a full re- investigation in"an open verdict" as reported in the newspapers but did the authorities re-investigate the crash ? Why not?Whose was the hidden hand that instructed the authorities NOT to re-investigate the crash? Perhaps the time has come for this Magistrate to appear and tell the truth.
Since the exposure of these new developments in my blog, a few political leaders have "suddenly" come out demanding for the case to beRE-OPENED. I applaud the daring stand taken by Datuk Yong Teck Lee and Dr.Jeffery Kitingan in demanding a new investigation on what actually happened on the 6th.June.1976.
What is mind boggling and beyond comprehension is the reversal of the stand of the Sabah State Government. Chief Minister, Musa Aman in a press statement(Daily Express, dated 7th.April.2010 ) said "the amount of allocation from the Federal Government pouring into Sabah is more important than discussing an increase in the oil royalty for the state ", " KL has been very generous with funds for Sabah". He further added "to me ,what's important here is we don't talk about oil royalty".
My question to Musa Aman is, when did Sabah become so rich that our own resources are not important to discuss? Allow me to jerk the memory of our delusional Chief Minister. Sabah is currently the second poorest state in Malaysia and the oil in Sabah belongs to the people of Sabah. Are Chief Ministers required to take an oath of secrecy never to divulge the truth on what actually happened on the 6th.June.1976?
Oil is a gift from God to the people of Sabah, and 'His' name is not Musa Aman. Musa Aman's remarks, clearly proves that Tengku Razaleigh was probably not lying when he mentioned thatNO SABAH CHIEF MINISTER had ever made any attempt to re-negotiate, request or demand from the Federal Government for a larger oil royalty stake for Sabah. Musa Aman has therefore insulted the intelligence of Sabahans and should do the honourable thing by resigning or better yet dissolving the entire assembly and call for fresh state elections.
Could history have changed for the better had Tun Fuad and his Cabinet Ministers not perished in that controversial crash? The truth must be told and the people of Sabah have every right to know the truth and no one has the right to say otherwise. I therefore urge the family members of Tun Fuad and his Cabinet Ministers to join and assist me as well as all right thinking Sabahans who till this day are devastated by the death of our warriors to demand for the truth to be told. The tears of many are still flowing, let us not remain persecuted by "cover- up's ".
"Truth Is The Remedy To All" said Guru Nanak, Sikhism's revered founder and so - let the truth be told.
And, if made necessary through new facts and revelations, let's correct and rewrite Our Sacred History.
Posted by Ronnie Klassen at 2:31 AM
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Ex-Malay Mail (NST) news editor K Bala dies
Ex-Malay Mail news editor K. Bala dies
GEORGE TOWN: Former Malay Mail news editor K. Bala passed away in Langkawi yesterday.
He was found dead in his bed in a hotel room by his friend R. Sunther at around 10pm last night.
Bala, 66, who was pursuing business prospects in Langkawi, leaves behind three children; a son and two daughters. His wife had died two years ago from cancer.
According to Sunther, Bala, a veteran journalist who was known to be a disciplinarian among his peers, was unwell on Friday.
"I brought him to the Langkawi Hospital for treatment and he was given medication. On Saturday, we called to check on him and he replied that he was feeling better. He was looking forward to watching the Manchester United versus Chelsea football match. I am shocked to discover that he passed away suddenly (yesterday)," said Sunther when contacted.
Bala who is the elder brother of The Star's former regional editor P.K. Katharason, was a lifelong fan of the Manchester United football club and would often take the trouble to catch all of their matches even those held in the wee hours of the morning.
Sunther said he decided to visit Bala when he did not answer the telephone calls yesterday and broke down the door when there was no reply despite the incessant knocking.
Good bye Mr K Bala
Bala, as we all called him, was one of the editors in NSTP that moulded me into what(ever) I am today. Although I was based in Kota Kinabalu, I did received lots of assignments from him who is based at the news desk in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. I lost contact with Bala when he quit NST and lived in Langkawi.
I am also a close friend of Bala's brother Mr P Katharason (PK to us all), a news editor with the Star. PK now lives in Kota Kinabalu after retiring ftrom Star. I remember when PK was transferred to Kota Kinabalu. Bala called me from Kuala Lumpur, telling me to `look after" PK and I did by taking PK on a `pubs hopping visit.'
I also will never forget a time when Bala was in Kota Kinabalu to lead NST's coverage of Tun Ghaffar Baba, newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister. I was to play host to Bala and now I felt I was then a very poor host to a great man. Many knew, or might had been told by Bala, What had transpired during his stay in Sabah,
I am sure that journalists and those who knew Bala mourns his passing. Good-Bye Mr Bala.
Good bye Mr Bala
Monday, 5 April 2010
Tukar Baju says Kalakau

'It's time to 'tukar baju' and kick out BN'
Sun, 04 Apr 2010 12:08
KOTA KINABALU: Newly-minted opposition politician Kalakau Untol is bent on helping the Kadazan Dusun and Murut (KDM) communities of Sabah to 'tukar baju' (change shirt) in the next general election.
Kalakau, the United Sabah Dusun Association (Usda) president, said he was confident the indigenous community, comprising more than 30 ethnic groups, other natives and the Chinese communities could topple the BN government.
"They have booted out four Sabah state governments before," he said. "Tukar Baju was our battle cry. We ousted the Alliance-led Usno, Parti Berjaya, Barisan Nasional and Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) state governments," he told FMT in an exclusive interview recently.
Kalakau, a former state deputy labour minister, ditched BN last month to join PKR and declared that he would be working hand-in-glove with Dr Jeffrey Kitingan and other KDM leaders.
He also said he would ensure that the community which formed the majority of the state's population would vote for Pakatan Rakyat in the next general election.
He said he expected several KDM leaders now holding important posts in the BN government, both at state and federal levels, to leave the coalition for Pakatan Rakyat.
Kalakau said he quit BN as he could no longer tolerate a life of being 'a great pretender.'
"What the BN was offering and had given out thus far was just window-dressing, but the people are politically matured now and know what is going on around them," he said.
Until he left BN, Kalakau was chairman of a state government-owned money making company and a director of several government subsidiaries companies.
"The last straw was when a university student approached me and asked if I believed in all the high praises I had heaped on the BN government during a speech I made.
"She asked me if I really meant what I said about the present government," said Kakakau.
"I was floored. It was awakening. Never in my life did it occur to me that I had been praising the government without justification.
"After a meeting with my supporters, a month later I decided to quit BN," he added.
These two states have been taken for granted by BN for too long. We in Sabah have changed the state government four times … it is not an impossible task.
"I travelled to far flung villages in Sabah and the response and support for PKR from the KDM was overwhelming. (It was the same when) I was in Kota Marudu, Kudat recently."
Sabah, Sarawak taken for granted by BN
The Dusun leader said the general election would the be best avenue for all Malaysians, not only for the people of Sabah 'to put on new clothes.'
"If we want to change the policy of the nation, it can only be done if you change and form a new federal government."
He said if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak had tagged Sabah and Sarawak as BN's fixed deposit, Pakatan Rakyat could also rightfully lay similar claim to these two states.
Kalakau said the opposition could have won in the last general election if there had been a better understanding among the parties, particularly between PKR and DAP.
According to him, in all the constituencies where both PKR and DAP fielded candidates, BN emerged the victor by a slim majority of votes.
In the election, the state constituencies of Kepayan, Luyang, Inanam and Likas showed that the votes garnered by DAP and PKR were more than the votes polled by BN.
"The people of Sabah and Sarawak are aware of this and will ensure that their support will be for Pakatan Rakyat in the coming general election.
"These two states have been taken for granted by BN for too long. We in Sabah have changed the state government four times … it is not an impossible task," said Kalakau.
On his working relationship with other Sabah PKR leaders, he said he is a friend to all. Whenever he travelled, PKR leaders whether KDM or Muslims are always with him.
He said he was overwhelmed by the support for him when he was invited as a guest speaker at a gathering organised by the PKR Selangor at Stadium Malawati Shah Alam recently.
"I was relatively new in PKR but I was accepted as one of them. This is something new to me."
Made entry into politics in the 70s
Kalakau stepped into politics by forming the United Sabah Action Party (Usap) in early 1970s during Tun Musthapha's Usno-led Alliance state government.
Usap acted as an opposition party and was dissolved when he joined Pekamas in 1974, heading the Tuaran Division.
Pekamas failed to match the might of Usno so Kalakau formed another party called United Sabah Assembly Party (Pusaka) in 1977. He was made its deputy secretatry general.
Pusaka also closed shop and Kalakau joined Parti Berjaya in 1978. He joined Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) in 1985 and was a political secretary to then deputy Chief Minister (late) Mark Koding.
He did not last long in PBS and five years later in 1989 he resigned and formed Angkatan Keadilan Rakyat Sabagh (Akar) with Koding.
In 1994, after the PBS governmeng was toppled by BN, Kalakau joined forces with current federal minister Bernard Dompok to form Parti Demokratik Sabah (PDS), now renamed United Pasok Momogun Kadazandusun Party (Upko).
Kalakau was Tuaran MP as well as state deputy labour minister when PBS was ruling Sabah (1985-1994). In Upko, he was its youth chief for 12 years and was also a senator.
The plane crash on 6.6.1976 that killed Tun Fuad Stephens

Ku Li Opens Up More Uncertainties?
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah may have been the last man on the face of the earth who spoke to the late Tun Fuad Stephens on the 6th of June 1976,pursuant to the controversial 5% oil royalty to Sabah.The death of Sabah's first Huguan Siou (Paramount Leader of the Kadazan / Dusuns)that perished in a "strange", fatal plane crash on the 6th.June.1976,will continue to haunt Sabahans and probably Malaysians in general for decades to come?Was the last conversation between Tengku Razaleigh and Tun Fuad Stephens on the oil royalty of 5% or was it 30%?, we will never know. Are there secrets that have yet to be unearthed?
I had the distinguished pleasure of interviewing Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah during his visit to Sabah on 2nd.April.2010 at Hyatt Kota Kinabalu,over lunch,that lasted for about 2 hours..Among those present were Dato' Dominic Puthucheary,Mazlan Harun,Thamrin Ghafar Baba and a few others.Ku Li was here as part of his nationwide roadshow,championing the oil royalty issue that has now become the focus of attention among the oil producing states in Malaysia.This was the transcript of my exclusive interview with Tengku Razaleigh.
Ronnie : Tengku,you were probably the last man on earth to have met the late Tun Fuad Stephens,prior to the fatal plane crash.Did Tun Fuad agree to the 5% oil royalty?
Tengku : I had a telephone conversation with Tun Fuad Stephens on the 5th.June.1976,and he agreed to the 5% oil royalty,since Sarawak had also agreed to a similar percentage.
Ronnie : We understand that there was an agreement between the Sabah Government and the Federal Government/ Petronas,which was to be signed on the 7th.June.1976.The signing ceremony however was deferred to the 14th.June1976,in view of the fatal plane crash.Were the contents,particularly the percentage of the oil royalty in the agreement dated 7th.June and 14th June similar?
Tengku : Yes.Both agreements were similar and no changes or amendments were made,only the signatories were different.Datuk Harris Salleh signed on behalf of the Sabah Government,in his capacity as Chief Minister and witnessed by Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
Ronnie : Tun Fuad Stephens boarded a Nomad Aircraft on the 6th.June.1976 bound for Labuan at 10am.In his entourage were State Cabinet Ministers of Sabah.What's mind-boggling is,why did Tun Fuad Stephens travel to Labuan with his Minister's to meet you,knowing very well that you would be in Kota Kinabalu on the 7th.June.1976 to formalized the signing of the oil royalty agreement? Was Fuad Stephens actual intentions to meet you in Labuan to re-negotiate the 5% as he finally realized that the percentage was insufficient?
Tengku : No.Tun Fuad Stephens agreed to the 5% oil royalty and he was not re-negotiating the terms.
Ronnie : Were you joining Tun Fuad Stephens on board the aircraft that was bound for Kota Kinabalu on the 6th.June.1976?
Tengku : Yes,actually I boarded the plane and strapped myself with the seat belt.I was together with Datuk Rahman Yaakub (Chief Minister of Sarawak). Datuk Harris Salleh then came on board and invited me to accompany him to Kudat/Banggi to visit his cattle farm.I subsequently unfastened my seat belt together with Datuk Rahman Yaakub and boarded another Nomad Aircraft.
When we arrived at our destination,we were immediately requested to disembarked and move away from the aircraft.I was rather puzzled and was later informed that the plane carrying Tun Fuad Stephens had crashed in Kota Kinabalu.I felt very sad,knowing I had just lost a dear friend.
Ronnie : So, Datuk Harris signed the agreement on 14th.June.1976 on behalf of the Sabah Government or more approximately on behalf of the people of Sabah.Tengku,Sabah being an oil producing state in Malaysia was once the richest state in the country.Today as you are very well aware,Sabah is now the second poorest state in Malaysia,although governed by Barisan National.Has any attempt been made over the last 34 years by any Chief Minister after the death of the late Tun Fuad Stephens to re-negotiate,request or demand a higher oil royalty percentage from the Federal Government?
Tengku : No Chief Minister has attempted to request for an increase of the 5% oil royalty from the Federal Government.
Ronnie : Sabahans have been crying foul over the manner that the Federal Government has been treating Sabah,do you honestly think that Sabah should be demanding for higher oil royalty?
Tengku : The people of Sabah have every right to request or demand for a higher oil royalty,the question is whether the Federal Government is prepared to oblige.
Ronnie : Tengku,allow me to sidetrack my next question away from the oil royalty issue.The upcoming Hulu Selangor by-election has now been fixed by the Election Commission.Nomination will be on the 17th.April while Polling has been fixed on the 25th.April,2010.In your opinion,how would you rate the chances of UMNO/BN and the Opposition?
Tengku : The Hulu Selangor by-election will not be easy for Barisan National.PKR will draw support if it's Malay candidate is good.Barisan National will not get the support from the Malays.
With that I concluded the interview.
Have the people of Sabah been betrayed by the greed and arrogance of the past Chief Ministers of Sabah? Will Sabahans finally decide what is important and what rightfully belongs to them or will Sabahans still continue to allow the crooks that walk the corridors of power to dictate and decide the fate of Sabahans at their own desecration?
I also attended the talk by Tengku Razaleigh themed "Minyak Sabah Untuk Siapa" which was organised by the Sabah Dusun Association and the Persatuan Bloggers Sabah at the Kadazan Dusun Cultural Association Hall in Penampang,Sabah.Ironically,the same Tengku Razaleigh that was so fiery and vocal in his speeches in Kelantan recently about how Kelantan was short changed,wasn't the same person.
The presence of "fully armed" police personnel at the venue was also mind boggling.Did the police special branch or UMNO play a role in toning down Tengku's "NO HOLDS BARRED" fiery readiness to expose the truth? Was Tengku Razaleigh going to disclose the truth of what actually transpired in his last conversation with Tun Fuad Stephens?Was there a hidden hand that prevented him from telling the truth?
What was hoped to be an eventful talk and dialogue about the oil royalty by Ku Li turned out to be mere rhetoric and a shamble due to poor turnout. It was not too well-organised - publicity materials were unseen,other then the banner located at the entrance of the Building,which was too small,that one needed a magnifying glass to read it's contents.To those that did attend,it was a wasted and frustrating night for many,as visibly seen by the disgruntled faces.
Nonetheless, it was a daring effort, and hopefully we can see some improvement in the near future